Thursday, June 10, 2010

Short post- Kurdish phrases

This is just a little something to keep your interest until I can post some real updates. It's almost the weekend here, so I hope to have 2 new updates up by Saturday, hopefully one of them tonight!

But first, some of my favorite Kurdish phrases. I'll write the close-to-literal translation, how they are used, and what (I think) they sound like.
Disclaimer: I'm going off memory and limited knowledge so some of this might not be perfectly accurate!

("x" is like a throaty kh sound)

-Go with God (how you usually say goodbye) pronounced "xua hafees"

-I would die/give my life for you (said to a friend) pronounced "kur banabum"

-You are like seven brothers to me (said to a friend) pronounced "howbra" <- my favorite

-You are the flower of my garden (said to a friend) pronounced "gUli baxem"

-You are in my eyes/you have my eyes (said for pretty much anything- Thank you, you're welcome, goodbye) pronounced "serchow"

-There's a jackal in every valley (supposedly this is a Kurdish saying in some places- but we have only received confused stares in response) pronounced "chimbeh checku nahbeh"

I've got some more work to finish up here at the office- but if I learn or remember any more I'll try to add them! Be on the lookout for a post about our friend and local pediatric cardiologist Dr. Aso soon!

Go with God,



  1. How do you say, "why don't I get a link to my blog on the right side of Alex's blog like all the other interns?" ?

  2. "Afu afu afu!"
    (Sorry sorry sorry!)

    Should be up now :)
